Hair Transplant
laser for hair transplantation, the new technique must have an equal or superior outcome to conventional methods. Additionally, as is the case with lasers, the advantages should outweigh the added cost of this new technology. Laser hair transplantation has been associated with multiple advantages including control of bleeding, decreased surgical times, less traumatic graft handling, diminished graft compression, and a more natural appearance. These advantages, however, must be weighed against the disadvantages of this procedure, which include an increased expense, additional training, safety hazards, and a slight delay in hair growth. Laser technology, when used properly by well-trained specialists, has a definite role in current cosmetic hair restoration. This article addresses the specific role and state-of-the-art of laser use in hair transplantation surgery. A directive is given to further the use of lasers in hair transplantation in a safe and clinically responsible manner.
Hair transplantation aided by laser can prove to be beneficial in meeting the high expectations of hair transplantation patients. The hair transplant patient of this last decade and next millenium should expect a hair transplant with moderate-to-good coverage and above all a natural appearance.

- Dermatologist
- Eyelid Lift
- Botox and Xeomin
- Lip Lightening
- Facial Fillers
- Mole/DPN & Skin Tag Removal
- Fat Grafting & Volume Restoration
- Chin Correction
- Keloid Removal
- Face & Neck Lift
- Carbon Laser
- Tattoo removal
- Hair Removal
- Vitiligo Surgery
- Acne & Acne Scar removal
- Earlobe Repair
- Hair Fall Treatment
- Hair Wigs Services
- Hair Transplant
- Chemical Peeling